Sore Throat

Sore throat definition and facts

Picture of a Girl with Sore Throat
Picture of a Girl withSoreThroat
  • Most sore throats are caused byvirusesor mechanical causes (such asmouthbreathing) and can be treated successfully at home.
  • Sore throatsymptoms includepain, burning, or scratching sensations at the back of the throat,painwhen swallowing, and tendernessintheneck. In addition to a sore throat, other common signs and symptoms may be include:
  • Home remediesfor sore throat include:
    • Gargling withsaltwater
    • Throat sprays or lozenges (Do not give lozenges to young children beause they are achokinghazard.)
    • Humidifiers
  • Any sore throat that has a rapidonsetand is associated with a fever or tenderness of the front of the neck may be serious and should be seen by adoctor.
  • Any sore throat that causesdifficulty swallowing(not just pain with swallowing) or breathing should be seen by a doctor.
  • Any sore throat that lasts for more than a week should be evaluated by ahealth-care professional.
  • If you arepregnantand your sore throat symptoms are severe or do not resolve in three days, seek medicalattention.
  • Seek medical care immediately if you have a sore throat and are unable to take your medications, haveheartpalpitations, are lightheaded, or yourtongueorlipsswell.

Whatcausesa sore throat?

There are several different causes of sore throats.

Viral infections:Viruses are the most common cause of sore throats. Several different viruses can cause common colds and an upperrespiratoryinfections and include:

Bacterial infections:Less common causes ofbacterialinfections that cause sore throats include:

Rarely,sexually transmitted diseases(STDs), for example,gonorrheaandchlamydia, can cause a sore throat.

Toxins/Irritants:Many substances can cause sore throats, for example:

  • Cigarettesmoke
  • Air pollution
  • Noxious airborne chemicals
  • Medical conditions:Health problems, can cause sore throats, for example:
  • Intentional or unintentional ingestion:Certain substances, for example, bleach, can cause a sore throat.
  • Trauma/Injury:Any directinjuryto the throat or neck area can cause a sore throat.
  • Foreign body :Sore throats can be caused foreign bodies stuck in the throat, for example, aboneor piece offood.
  • Excessive yelling or screaming:The throat andlarynx会导致喉咙痛由于尖叫或excessi吗ve yelling.


How to Get Rid of a Cold: Natural RemediesSee Slideshow

What are the differences between sore throat vs. strep throat?

Sore throat is agenericterm used to describe thesymptomof pain or discomfort in the throat. Usually,bacteria, viruses, trauma, and environmental toxins cause throat pain and its associated symptoms and signs. However, not all cases of sore throat are necessarilystrep throat.

Strep throatis a bacterialinfectionof the throat andtonsils(tonsilitis).Strepthroat is specifically caused by group AStreptococcusbacteria. Diagnosis of the cause ofstrepthroat, and the characteristic signs and symptoms,laboratorytests help diagnose the cause of strep throat. Two common tests are used to diagnose the cause of strep throat, therapid strep test(RADT) and traditional throatculture.

What are the signs andsymptomsof a sore throat?

14 signs and symptoms of a sore throat

The signs and symptoms of a sore throat vary depending on the underlying cause. However, the common symptom of a sore throat is the feeling of throat pain and discomfort, which often is worsened by swallowing or thile talking. Some people may complain of a scratchy or drysensationin their throat as well.

Most sore throats are caused byviralinfections. In addition to throat pain, common signs and symptoms of a sore throat include:

  1. Fever and/orchills
  2. Nauseaand/orvomiting
  3. Body aches
  4. Headache
  5. Cough
  6. Runny noseornasalcongestion
  7. Earache
  8. Sneezing
  9. Weakness
  10. Lack of appetite
  11. Redness and/or swelling of thetonsilsand back of the throat
  12. 白色片状扁桃体(exudate)
  13. Swollen and/or tenderlymph nodesin the neck
  14. A muffled or hoarse voice

Distinguishing between a sore throat caused by a virus and strep throat can be challenging; however, certain signs and symptoms often can help differentiate between the two. Usually, people with strep throat have signs and symptoms that include red swollen tonsils with white patches (exudate).

Sore throats cause fever and swollen tenderlymphnodes in the neck,without the symptomsthat usually accompany acoldcaused by a virus, for example:

  • Cough
  • Runnynose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing

An evaluation with a doctor may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis of a sore throat while a throat culture (swab taken from the back of the throat) can definitively diagnose the cause of strep throat.


Which illness is known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection?See Answer

If I am pregnant and have a sore throat, what medications are safe to take?

If you are pregnant and your sore throat symptoms are severe, talk to your doctor. Home remedies such asover-the-counterlozenges or saltwater gargles are generally safe.Acetaminophen(Tylenol) can be used for pain or fever. If symptoms last for more than three days, or are associated with a fever see your doctor to be tested for strep throat.

Is a sore throatcontagious?

A sore throat may becontagious, depending on the underlying cause. Most sore throats are caused by infections, and under these circumstances a sore throat can be contagious, whether it is caused by aviral infection(the most common cause) or strep throat. To prevent spreading contagious infections that cause sore throats, preventative measures should be taken to prevent the transmission of the infection.

Most types of these infections are transmitted person-to-person viasalivaor nasal secretions commonly spread in airborne respiratory droplets, or through direct contact with infected objects (for example, cups or utensils) and infected surfaces. To stop the spread of infections to others:

  • Wash your hands fequently
  • Cover your mouth when you cough orsneeze
  • Do not sharing utensils and cups

Is there a test to diagnose the cause of sore throats?

To diagnose the cause of a sore throat, the doctor will ask for a detailed history of the illness and perform a physical examination. Because most cases of sore throats are associated with infections, your doctor may order tests to differentiate between a bacterial or viral infection. If your doctor suspects you have strep throat, usually, he or she will take a rapid strep test (swabbing the throat). It takes only minutes for the results, and usually can be obtained during an office visit. A throat culture may be sent to thelabfor definitive evaluation of strep throat if the initial rapid strep test is negative. Usually, the results of the culture are available within 24 to 48 hours.

Usually, no further tests are needed, depending on the details of themedical historyand the findings on a physical exam. Your doctor may need to order addditional tests to help determine the cause of the sore throat, for example:

  • Bloodtests
  • Radiologicimaging (CT scanorx-ray) of the throat and neck area to evaluate for other various causes of a sore throat (abscess, trauma/injury,tumor, etc).
  • In certain cases, a specialist may be recommended depending on the symptoms and presumptive diagnosis (anEar, Nose, and Throat specialist, for example)..

Whatnatural home remediesrelieve sore throat pain and other symptoms?

Various home remedies help soothe throat pain and other symptoms of a sore throat.

  • Gargle with warm saltwater (1teaspoonof salt in 8 ounces of water) and thenspitit out.
  • Drink warm liquids (such ascaffeine-free tea, water with honey, or warm soup broth).
  • Consume cold foods, for example, Popsicles or icecream.
  • Use ahumidifierto moisten dry air.

If a sore throat is caused by infection, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and torest为了防止dehydrationand to allow the body to properly recover.

What OTC medications help relieve throat pain?

Various over-the-counter (OTC) medications can help soothe a sore throat. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) oribuprofen(Advil orMotrin) are analgesics that can provide pain relief. These medications also can reduce fever if the sore throat is caused by infection. Avoidaspirinin children and teenagers, as it has been associated with a serious illness called Reye'ssyndrome.

Throat lozenges andanalgesic喉咙喷雾s can help relieve throat pain for some people. (Do not give lozenges to young children, as they are a choking hazard.) O

OTC药物s that can help relive throat pain caused bygastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) inclulde:

  • Antacids
  • H2 blockers
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

Ifallergiesor postnasal drip is causing a sore throat, OTCantihistaminesand decongestants may provide symptom relief. If a cough is causing a sore throat, an OTC cough syrup may help diminish the cough.

Zinclozenges have been found to decrease the duration of symptoms in patients with colds.

What can I do if I keep getting a sore or strep throat?

There are a number of situations in which a child or adult can haverecurrentpositive strep tests.

  1. The first, and most common, is that the strep bacteria were never eradicated in the first place. The person did not get all of the doses of themedicationprescribed. Unless the affected person takes a full 5 to 10 day course of antibiotics, the strep throat will not clear. Even missing a dose or two can be a problem. Thepatientshould take all medication exactly as prescribed, and finish all the medication, even if the sore throat has resolved.
  2. Individuals may beasymptomaticcarriers of strep (a person who has strep in their throats all the time as part of their normal bacteria, but without symptoms of a sore throat). It may be necessary to test close contacts of a person with recurrent episodes of strep to see if they are carriers.
  3. All strep throat bacteria will be killed bypenicillin. If penicillin does notcurestrep throat, the affected person should see their doctor. In rare cases, other bacteria in the throat can secrete anenzyme(penicillinase) that breaks down penicillin. This can be overcome by using a drug that is resistant to this enzyme.

Can antibiotics cure a sore throat?

Most cases of sore throat are caused by a viral infection, so antibiotics in these situations are not needed. Antibiotics do not have any effect on a viral infection, as it will need to run its course and your body's natural defenses will typically clear this type of infection.

However, if your sore throat is being caused by a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, then a course of antibiotics will be required to resolve the infection. Complete the full course of antibiotics prescribed, even if you feel better after a few days.

How can I prevent from getting a sore throat?

Often, certain causes of sore throats can be prevented since the most common cause are infections. Whether a sore throat is caused by a viral infection or strep throat, you can help prevent getting or transmitting the infection to others.

12 ways to prevent a sore throat

  1. Avoid close contact with people who are already ill with a viralupper respiratory tract infectionor with strep throat (and other bacterial infections).
  2. Practice good personalhygienehabits, such as frequent and thorough hand washing.
  3. Avoid sharing personal objects (such as dishes, cups or utensils).
  4. Cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  5. Wash the hands often.
  6. Avoiding touching potentially infected surfaces (computers, doorknobs, or phones) and direct contact with handkerchiefs, napkins, tissues, or towels used by the person with the infection.
  7. Taking antibiotics and finishting the full course to treat and decrease transmission of the bacteria causing the infection.

Certain measures to help prevent less common causes of sore throats include:

  1. Taking OTC medications to help prevent sore throats if the cause isGERD,allergies, postnasal drip, or cough.
  2. Avoid cigarette smoke, pollutants and noxious airborne chemicals.
  3. Taking safety measures and using protective sports equipment to help avoid traumatic injury to the neck and throat.
  4. Chewing your food carefully in order to prevent injury to the throat from a foreign body (from a fish bone, for example)
  5. Avoiding excessive or prolonged yelling.

When should I see a doctor for a sore throat?

Sore throat is a common symptom, and the decision to seek medical care can sometimes be difficult. Though many individuals with a sore throat will have a viral illness that will typically run its course and resolve without problems, certain causes of sore throats may require treatment beyond waiting out the illness and treating it with over-the-counter medications. See a doctor if your sore throat continues for an extended period.

If you have these signs or symptoms, make an appointment with doctor or to the nearestemergency department:

  • Severe sore throat
  • Drooling
  • Difficulty or inability to swallow saliva, food, or liquids
  • Difficulty or inability to open your mouth
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severeneck pain或颈部僵硬
  • Redness or swelling of the neck
  • Bleeding from the throat, or blood in your saliva/phlegm
  • Fever greatern than> 101 F (38.3 C)


How to Get Rid of a Cold: Natural RemediesSee Slideshow

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American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery. Sore Throats. 2018.
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CDC. Worried your sore throat may be strep? Updated: Jan 31, 2018.

CDC. Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work in Doctor’s Offices.

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