What Are the Effects of Secondhand Smoke?

Reviewed on7/7/2021


Secondhand smoke can cause illness and disease in nonsmokers. Some of these conditions include lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, SIDS, bronchitis, and pneumonia. The best way to protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke exposure is to not allow anyone to smoke in the home and to avoid being around smoke when outside the home.
Secondhand smoke can cause illness and disease in nonsmokers. Some of these conditions include lung cancer,心脏病, respiratory illnesses such asasthma,席德, bronchitis, and pneumonia. The best way to protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke exposure is to not allow anyone to smoke in the home and to avoid being around smoke when outside the home.

Secondhand smoketobacco在一个人附近的人被动呼吸的烟雾抽烟。用来参考二手烟的术语是二手烟,involuntary抽烟, or环境烟草烟雾(ET)。

Secondhand smoke is a mixture of the smoke from the tobacco product itself (termed sidestream smoke) and exhaled smoke from the smoker (known as mainstream smoke).

当不吸烟的二手烟雾时,他或她接触了相同的毒素和化学物质,包括nicotine, as the smoker.

儿童接触二手烟也会增加其健康风险,儿童尤其容易受到影响环境烟草烟雾。甚至不同住的孩子smokersmay be at risk for adverse effects of secondhand smoke. Chemicals from tobacco smoke inhaled by a护理母亲也被称为到达breast milk

What causes secondhand smoke?

香烟是二手烟的最常见来源,其次是雪茄和烟斗。人们可以接触环境烟草烟雾anywhere — in their homes, in the workplace, and in recreational settings.

What are the health risks of secondhand smoke?

Secondhand smoke carries many health risks. At least 250 harmful chemicals have been identified in secondhand smoke, including at least 50 carcinogens (chemicals that are known to causecancer)。只是二手烟中存在的一些危险化学物质包括氯乙烯,,,arsenic, 和ethylene oxide

已知二手烟会导致cancer。它被归类为“已知人类致癌“美国Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)。它也与cardiovascular和respiratory diseases as well as other serious health conditions.




二手烟是建立的风险因素为了发展肺癌。研究表明,与吸烟者一起居住的非吸烟者的发展风险增加肺癌when compared with nonsmokers who do not reside with a smoker.


Coughing, 胸部congestion, 和decreased lung function can also occur in those exposed to passive smoke.Babiesexposed to secondhand smoke can also develop serious respiratory infections. Passive抽烟被认为会引起肺部感染(例如肺炎支气管炎) in children younger than 18 months of age each year.


香烟抽烟本身,二手烟是发展的重要危险因素心血管疾病heart attack


In addition to the risk of肺炎和呼吸道感染婴儿暴露于二手烟(见上文),已知被动烟雾会增加儿童哮喘with this condition.中耳由于暴露于二手烟雾,还会发生儿童感染。暴露于二手烟的婴儿的风险增加婴儿猝死综合症(席德)。


戒烟的人的平均体重增加是多少?See Answer

What are the effects of secondhand smoke on pregnant women?


Does secondhand smoke cause breast cancer?

被动吸烟是否与增加的风险有关的问题breast cancer目前是调查和争议的来源。乳腺癌主动吸烟者不知道的风险增加d, yet some studies have found a possible link tobreast cancer暴露于被动烟雾。2006年,美国外科医生General的报告得出的结论是,此时有“暗示性但不足”的证据。

Is there a safe level of secondhand smoke?


What can be done about secondhand smoke exposure?

Local, state, and national governments have enacted a variety of laws designed to protect people from health dangers associated with secondhand smoke. These laws vary according to location. The American Lung Association has a listing of these regulations grouped by U.S. state (see References below). Legislation to prevent smoking in workplaces and public buildings is on the rise as the public becomes more informed about the risks of secondhand smoke.

Obviously, quitting smoking if you are a smoker is the best way to protect your family and friends from secondhand smoke. A number of support systems, programs, and even prescription medications are available to help smokers break the habit.

如果您是不吸烟的,那么避免被动烟雾的最安全方法是不允许其他人在家里抽烟。如果您家中有孩子,这一点尤其重要。根据美国的说法外科医生General, smoke-free workplaces are the only way to protect people from exposure to secondhand smoke in the workplace, since separate smoking areas, cleaning the air, and ventilating the building are not sufficient to prevent exposure if people still are permitted to smoke inside the building.

What is thirdhand smoke?

Thirdhand smoke exposure is a new concept; it is exposure to many of the toxic agents in smoke that have accumulated (as residue) in clothing, drapes, rugs, furniture, dust, and other items due to secondhand smoke. The toxic agents, deposited in and on items from secondhand smoke, can be absorbed throughthe skin粘液membranes of non-smokers, especially by infants and young children.预防二手烟暴露会防止第三次烟雾暴露。

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医学博士威廉·芬曼(William Fineman)对医学进行了评论;美国内科委员会与肺部疾病中的专科


American Cancer Society. "Secondhand Smoke."

American Lung Association. "Smoking restrictions in U.S. States."
< http://slati.lungusa.org>

National Cancer Institute. "Secondhand Smoke."


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