Definition of Science (journal)

Reviewed on3/29/2021

Science (journal):A weekly journal concerningscience. Science was foundedin1880 by one of the world's most famous scientists, Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the light bulb.

Science is the world's general scientific publication with the largestcirculation. For the sake of comparison, Science's only competitor, the prestigious English journalNature, has one third the number of subscribers worldwide.

Science is published by theAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science(theAAAS). An online wasversionis now also available (at

科学提供了一个不寻常的混合两种差异erent kinds of editorial material -- the most important news of the week in science and in science policy and a selection of scientific papers reporting the most significant breakthroughs in research (including many that are important to medicine). In thissense, Science is both a news magazine and a traditional scientific journal wrapped together under one cover.

In addition, Science often publishes special in-depth sections on a specific topic. Some are about scientific careers. Other are on research areas -- for example, the latest developments inbiotechnology, parasitology, or thegenomeproject.


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