
Introduction to pain management

疼痛管理可以简单或复杂,具体取决于疼痛的原因。疼痛的一个例子通常不那么复杂神经根刺椎间盘突出随着疼痛辐射leg。这个condition通常可以通过硬膜外类固醇注射physical therapy。但是,有时候,疼痛不会消失。这可能需要各种各样的技能和技术来治疗疼痛。这些技能和技术包括:

All of these skills and services are necessary because pain can involve many aspects of a person's daily life.

How is pain treatment guided?

疼痛的治疗受疼痛的病史,其强度,持续时间,加剧和缓解条件以及涉及的结构的指导incausing the pain. In order for a structure to cause pain, it must have a nerve supply, be susceptible toinjury,结构的刺激应导致疼痛。大多数干预程序治疗疼痛的概念是身体中有特定的结构感觉that is generating the pain.疼痛管理在确定问题的确切来源并隔离最佳治疗方面发挥作用。





有很多痛苦来源。分割这些疼痛来源的一种方法是将它们分为两组,伤害感受性疼痛和neuropathic pain。How pain is treated depends in large part upon what type of pain it is.


伤心疼痛的例子是cutor abroken bone组织损坏或伤害发起通过传输的信号peripheral神经s to the通过脊髓。疼痛信号在整个途径中进行调节。这就是我们意识到某事正在伤害的方式。




大多数腿,腿和armpain is nociceptive pain. Nociceptive pain can be divided into two parts, radicular orsomatic

根部疼痛:Radicular pain是由于神经根的刺激而导致的疼痛椎间盘突出症。It goes down the leg or arm in the distribution of the nerve that exits from the nerve root at the spinal绳索。与辐射疼痛相关的是radiculopathy,这是神经分布中反射的弱点,麻木,刺痛或丧失。

躯体疼痛:体细胞疼痛仅限于背部或大腿。医生和患者面临的问题back pain,,,,is that after a病人goes to the doctor and has an appropriate history taken, a physical exam performed, and appropriate imaging studies (for example,X-rays,,,,MRIsorCT scans), the doctor can only make an exactdiagnosisa minority of the time. The cause of mostback painis not identified and is classifies asidiopathic。背面的三个结构经常引起back pain是刻面关节,圆盘和s骨joint。这facet joints are small joints in the back of the脊柱提供稳定性并限制您可以向后弯曲或扭曲的距离。光盘是“震惊吸收器“位于每个骨质构建块之间(vertebrae)脊柱。s骨关节是臀部区域的关节步行并有助于将重量从上身转移到腿上。

Fluoroscopically (x-ray) guided injections can help to determine from where pain is coming. Once the pain has been accurately diagnosed, it can be optimally treated.


背痛:16个背痛真理和神话See Slideshow





药物是治疗神经性疼痛的支柱。通常,它们通过影响身体如何处理疼痛信息来起作用。大多数疼痛信息都被中枢神经系统,,,,usually at the level of the spinal cord. For example, if you are sitting in a chair, your peripheral nerves send the response to the pressure between your body and the chair to your nervous system. However, because that information serves no usual purpose, it is filtered out in the spinal cord. Many medications to treat neuropathic pain operate on this filtering过程。这types of medications used for neuropathic pain include抗抑郁药,影响的数量serotoninornorepinephrine,,,,和antiseizure medications, which act on various neurotransmitters, such as GABA andglycine

在治疗neuropa最强大的工具之一thic pain is the spinal cord stimulator, which delivers tiny amounts of electrical energy directly onto the spine. Stimulation works by interrupting inappropriate pain information being sent up to the brain. It also creates a tingling in the painextremity,,,,which masks pain.


Other causes of pain include:


头痛区域重大的不适的来源和工作场所的生产力失去。存在许多有效的治疗方法头痛,,,,including medication,生物反馈,注射和植入物,取决于精确的类型头痛。肉毒杆菌毒素还提供了有效,安全地治疗头痛的有用手段。

Atypicalfacial pain can be debilitating. Often times it can be treated by injections into local nerve tissue (such as the sphenopalatine神经节)。

Trigeminal neuralgia, 也叫tic douloureux,,,,is a condition that most commonly causes very intense intermittent shooting pain in the face.

Peripheral nerve pain

周围神经疼痛或神经病,,,,can be debilitating. It can respond well to simple treatments such atriggerpoint injections with麻药药物和冷冻化(一种基于办公室的程序,涉及冻结神经)。周围神经疼痛的例子包括肋间神经痛神经瘤,胃神经瘤,lateral股骨皮肤神经夹带,,,,interdigital neuroma and related nerve entrapments.


Coccydynia只是该地区的疼痛tailbone,,,,orCoccyx。它可以由创伤or arise without apparent cause. The initial treatment is conservative, withoral止痛药(镇痛药)。通常,疼痛起源于神经系统的一部分,我们没有control的 (非自愿or自主神经系统),可以反应一个称为神经节腋下的神经头部的局部麻醉注射,该注射位于尾骨下方,或通过医学摧毁(消融)神经节鞘裂(通常使用射频)。

Compression fractures

由于骨的压缩骨折(椎体)在老年人中很常见osteoporosis,,,,or loss of在里面。随着钙的较少,骨骼变得虚弱并可能破裂。像任何人一样fracture,压缩骨折受伤。像任何人一样fracture,在这种情况下,它们通过稳定治疗,通过将水泥注入骨骼中椎骨成形术orkyphop成形术。椎体成形术是治疗压缩骨折疼痛的有效方法。Kyphophopplasty使用气球将高度恢复到压缩的椎体。

Post-herpetic neuralgia

疱疹后神经痛(PHN)是在回合后发生的痛苦状况带状疱疹。当我们年轻的时候,我们几乎都接触过水痘,,,,caused by the带状疱疹病毒。我们的immune system控制病毒,但它处于脊髓处于休眠状态。当我们老龄化或生病或压力时,病毒会重新激活并攻击感染的神经,并且adjacentskin。但是,在第二次攻击中,身体通常认识到Herpes带状管病毒并在一个神经过程中含有局部区域的疼痛。患者可能具有特征性的水泡,通常可以治愈。但是,有时候带状疱疹病毒damages the nerve, causing ongoing nerve pain that persists after the skin blisters from the带状疱疹已经治愈了。

治疗疱疹后神经痛的理想方法是在设置之前对其进行治疗。acyclovir((Zovirax), steroids and injections such as sympathetic injections can help prevent the发作Phn。出现疼痛后,注射,局部麻醉药,药物[杜洛西汀((c),amitriptyline,,,,((Elavil,,,,Endep)] and pain medications ortopical补丁可能很有用。


Myofasciitis (pain in the muscles, whether in the脖子or back) often responds to conservative physical therapy treatments (for example,按摩锻炼)。如果疼痛持续存在,则可以使用触发点注射。如果触发点注射可提供暂时的缓解,有时肉毒杆菌毒素注射can help. Botox, which is肉毒杆菌toxin,可以长期缓解疼痛,使肌肉放松六个或更长时间。它为否则可能是一个困难,持续的问题提供了安全,有效的治疗方法。



piriformis muscle从臀部到ac骨(尾骨)。重要的是sciatic nerve通过它。梨状肌syndrome是痉挛的piriformis muscle。When themuscle进入痉挛,它会挤压坐骨神经,从而导致腿部疼痛。Piriformis综合征通常会对物理疗法作出反应。当疼痛持续存在时,局部麻醉和/或类固醇injection can help. If the pain persists, injecting Botox or Myobloc, which are both肉毒杆菌toxins, into the muscle can provide effective, safe treatment.

Plantar fasciitis and lateral epicondylitis

Plantar筋膜炎((脚后跟疼痛)和侧面上环炎((网球肘)是两个常见的疼痛问题。治疗从保守选择开始,例如休息,,,,non-steroidal反对-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, over-the counter pain medications, physical therapy and, for heel pain, shoe inserts.

If the pain lasts for more than six months,Extracorporeal冲击波处理是有效的,FDAapproved treatment. Extracorporeal shockwave treatment is not recommended forpregnantwomen, children, anyone with a起搏器,,,,anyone on anti-coagulant therapy or anyone with a history of bleeding problems.


Cancer疼痛可能来自许多不同的原因,包括癌症本身,神经或其他身体部位的压缩,骨折或治疗癌症。有许多技术可以帮助治疗癌症的各种疼痛,包括药物和注射。特别是,神经组织的医疗破坏(烧蚀疗法)以及将手术放入体内的泵以将止痛药物输送到体内亚蛛网膜炎可以使用空间。止痛泵提供针对脊髓上疼痛受体的药物。癌症患者的优势是慢性疼痛control with decreasedside effects


由约瑟夫·卡西奥(Joseph Carcione)进行医学评论;美国精神病学委员会



