Micardis vs. Cozaar

Are Micardis and Cozaar the Same Thing?

米卡迪斯(telmisartan) andCozaar(losartan) 是angiotensin受体拮抗剂(arb)treat高血压(hypertension).

米卡迪斯is sometimes given together with otherblood pressure药物。Micardis还用于降低stroke,心attack, or死亡问题inpeople who are at least 55 years old with risk factors for serious heart disorders.

副作用Micardis和Cozaar的相似之处包括dizziness,back pain,stuffy nose,咳嗽,pain,腹泻,头痛, or疲劳的feeling.

与Cozaar不同的Micardis的副作用包括lightheadedness,模糊的视野,pain, weakness, or皮肤rash.

副作用of Cozaar that are different from Micardis include肌肉cramps,legpain,sleep问题 (insomnia), and cold orflusymptoms such as sneezing,疮throat, 和发烧.

Micardis和Cozaar都可能与alcohol,利尿剂(pills),aspirinor other nonsteroidalanti-炎症药(NSAIDS),supplements orsaltsubstitutes,lithium, 或其他blood药物的压力。


What Are Possible Side Effects of Micardis?


  • 头晕,
  • lightheadedness,
  • 模糊的视野, or
  • 背痛随着身体的调整为药物.
  • Micardis的另一个副作用包括闷鼻子,
  • 窦pain,
  • 咳嗽,
  • 胃pain,
  • 腹泻,
  • 头痛,
  • 疲劳的feeling,
  • weakness, or
  • 皮疹。

Tell your医生如果您对Micardis有严重的副作用,包括:

  • fainting,
  • 不寻常的变化数量urine, or
  • symptoms of a high potassium blood level (such as muscle weakness, slow/irregular heartbeat).



  • 腹泻
  • 胃pain
  • 肌肉cramps
  • 腿或背痛
  • dizziness
  • 头痛
  • 睡眠问题(失眠)
  • 疲劳的ness, 和
  • 冷或流感症状,例如鼻子,打喷嚏,throat, fever, and cough

Tell your doctor if you experience serious side effects of Cozaar including pain or burning when you urinate; pale skin, lightheadedness,呼吸急促, rapid心率, trouble concentrating;wheezing,胸痛; drowsiness, confusion, mood changes, increased thirst, loss of appetite,nausea和呕吐;肿胀,体重增加,小便比平时或根本不少;或高钾(心率缓慢,弱脉冲,肌肉无力,刺痛的感觉)。

What Is Micardis?


What Is Cozaar?

科扎尔(洛萨坦)是口服angiotensin receptor blocker(ARB)开处方用于治疗高血压。


Salt and sodium are the same.See Answer

What Drugs Interact With Micardis?


What Drugs Interact With Cozaar?

Cozaar may interact with diuretics (water pills), other blood pressure medications, lithium, celecoxib, or aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Dosage of Micardis is individualized. The usual starting dose is 40毫克一天一次。

How Should Cozaar Be Taken?

Dosing preparations of Cozaar are 25, 50, and 100 mg tablets. Drug interactions with Cozaar may occur with inhibitors of cytochrome P450, potassium- sparing diuretics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Cozaar should not be used duringpregnancy, 和it is not known whether it is excreted inbreast milk.


How to Lower Blood Pressure: Exercise Tips请参阅幻灯片

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Drug information found in the drug comparisons published on RxList.com is primarily sourced from the FDA drug information. The drug comparison information found in this article does not contain any data from clinical trials with human participants or animals performed by any of the drug manufacturers comparing the drugs.

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FDA. Micardis Prescribing Information.

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