

图片的图片女性reproductive system

*Medicalsection写道:Charles Patrick Davis,MD那PhD

Everyone (adolescent boys and girls) who is about to enterpuberty(这process身体变化导致孩子的身体成为能够的成人身体reproduction的)should be taught or know the basic medical definition ofmenstruationand that it is a normal process that females go through as their bodies prepare themselves for potential怀孕。这是每月的一部分月经cycle(regularcycling发生的荷尔蒙)in女性reproductive system这使得怀孕成为可能。

Medically, menstruation (also termed period or bleeding) is the process in a woman of discharging (through thevagina的)and other materials from the lining of theuterus从青春期大约一个月间隔直到menopause(ceasing of regular月经cycles), except during pregnancy. This discharging process lasts about 3-5 days.


除了出血,月经的其他迹象和症状可能包括headacheacnebloating那pains in the lowabdomen疲劳那mood changes,食物渴望,breast酸痛,而且diarrhea


这月经cycle is the hormonal driven cycle; Day 1 is the first day of your period (bleeding) while day 14 is the approximate day you ovulate and if an没有受精,hormonelevels eventually drop and at about day 25; the egg begins to dissolve and the cycle begins again with the period at about day 30. Menstruation begins day 1 and normally ends days 3-5 of the menstrual cycle.

At what age do girls go through puberty and begin and start their period (begin to menstruate)?

At what age do girls go through puberty and begin and start their period (begin to menstrate)?


How long does a period last?

这月经cycle is the hormonal driven cycle. Day 1 is the first day of your period (bleeding) while day 14 is the approximate day you ovulate and if an egg is not fertilized, hormone levels eventually drop and at about day 25. The egg then begins to dissolve and the cycle begins again with the period at about day 30.
Most periods vary somewhat, the flow may be light, moderate or heavy and can vary in length from about 2 to 7 days; with age, the cycle usually shortens and becomes more regular.

What is the treatment for pain and other symptoms caused by menstruation?

Treatment for the causes of menstrualpain依靠原因的原因,并且可能包括出生对照丸,重或长时间,宫内节育脉,非炎症类固醇药物(NSAIDs),例如布洛芬(Advil,),阿司匹林,萘普生(Aleve)和其他柜台pain(OTC) medications to relive pain and cramping.


女性应该在用血液浸湿之前改变垫/卫生棉条(约每4至8小时);遵循盒子上的方向以帮助避免TSStoxic shock syndrome),一个潜在的致命疾病。打电话给你的医生或其他health professional if you have any abnormalities in your period, for example, excessive bleeding, no periods, severe pain,fever使用卫生棉条,突然的违规行为,和其他problems.

What is menstruation? What is the menstrual cycle?

How is menstruation pronounced (men-STRAY-shuhn)?


在这个循环期间,你的激素使子宫的衬里变得更厚,在怀孕时做好准备。激素还导致鸡蛋从一个释放ovary那which is known as排卵

If you don’t becomepregnant那your periods start about two weeks after you ovulate. The lining of the uterus falls away and, along with some blood, flows out through the vagina. Periods can be light or heavy, and the blood canrange从明亮的红色到深棕色。您也可能注意到小凝块。


Girls have their first period during puberty. Most often that is around the age 12 or 13 years old, but girls can start menstruating as young as 9, or as late as 16.

流血的。当你月经时,你的身体脱掉子宫的衬里(子宫的)。Menstrual blood flows from the uterus through the small opening in thecervixand passes out of the body through the vagina. Most menstrual periods last from 3 to 5 days.


月经影响每个女人,但是女性之间的经验可能不同。当期间(月经)定期出现时,这被称为月经周期。经常月经周期是一个signthat important parts of your body are working normally. The menstrual cycle provides important body chemicals, called hormones, to keep youhealthy。它还每月为怀孕做好健全。从下一个时期的第一天到第一天的第一天计算一个周期。平均月经周期长28天。循环可以在成人21至35天的任何地方和年轻人中的21至45天。青少年。这rise and fall of levels of hormones during the monthcontrol这月经cycle.

What are the signs and symptoms of menstration?

有些女性在月经期间获得症状,例如月经期间,crampsor pains low in the abdomen, bloating or swelling in the abdomen,constipationbefore your period, diarhrea when your period starts,acne那tiredeness, and mood changes.


阴道包括阴唇,阴蒂和子宫。See Answer

When should you call a doctor for problems with your period?

See yourdoctorabout your period if:

  • You have not started menstruating by the age of 15.
  • You have not started menstruating within 3 years after breast growth began, or if breasts haven't started to grow by age 13.
  • 你的时期突然停止超过90天。
  • Your periods become very irregular after having had regular, monthly cycles.
  • 您的时期通常会发生比每21天或更少至少每35天或更少发生。
  • You are bleeding for more than 7 days.
  • You are bleeding more heavily than usual or using more than 1 pad ortamponevery 1 to 2 hours.
  • You bleed between periods.
  • You have severe pain during your period.
  • 你突然发烧并在使用卫生棉条后感到恶心。


In the United States, the average age for a girl to get her first period is 12. This does not mean that all girls start at the same age. A girl can start her period anytime between the ages of 8 and 15. Most of the time, the first period starts about 2 years after breasts first start to develop. If a girl has not had her first period by age 15, or if it has been more than 2 to 3 years since breast growth started, she should see a doctor.

在你的时期,你脱掉了增厚的uterine liningand extra blood through the vagina. Your period may not be the same every month. It may also be different than other women's periods. Periods can be light, moderate, or heavy in terms of how much blood comes out of the vagina. This is called menstrual flow. The length of the period also varies. Most periods last from 3 to 5 days. But, anywhere from 2 to 7 days is normal.

When do periods stop?

Women usually have periods untilmenopauseMenopause在45和55岁之间发生,通常左右50岁。更年期意味着一个女人不再排卵(生产鸡蛋)或有期间,不再怀孕。像月经一样,更年期可以因女人而异,这些变化可能发生在几年之上。

For the first few years after menstruation begins, longer cycles are common. A woman's cycle tends to shorten and become more regular with age. Most of the time, periods will be in the range of 21 to 35 days apart.

Periods stop during pregnancy, and often while you arebreastfeeding。有些女性因长期疾病,体重低,而且stress,很多艰苦的exerciseand hormone problems. Some medications, such as contraceptives, might stop your period. This can be helpful for some women, especially if their periods are heavy or painful. Sometimes after stopping thepill或其他contraceptive那it can take a while for your periods to come back. Periods stop altogether when women reach menopause - the average age is 51-52.


这月经cycle is the hormonal driven cycle. Day 1 is the first day of your period (bleeding) while day 14 is the approximate day you ovulate and if an egg is not fertilized, hormone levels eventually drop and at about day 25. The egg then begins to dissolve and the cycle begins again with the period at about day 30.

Most periods vary somewhat, the flow may be light, moderate or heavy and can vary in length from about 2 to 7 days; with age, the cycle usually shortens and becomes more regular.

What is the treatment for pain and other symptoms caused by menstruation?

Treatment for the causes of menstrual pain depend on what the cause is, and may includebirth control pills那heavy or prolonged periods, IUDs, noninflammatorysteroiddrugs (NSAIDs), 例如,布洛芬(Advil),阿司匹林naproxen(Aleve), and other-the-counter pain (OTC的)medications to relive pain and cramping.


时期的问题可包括大流血,期间疼痛(也称为痛经),不可预测或不规则的时期,以及premenstrual syndrome, 要么PMS那which makes some women feel irritable and sad and can cause bloating, tender breasts and aching.

How often should I change my pad/tampon?

在用血液浸湿之前,你应该改变垫子。每个女人都决定自己是什么最重要的。您应该至少每4到8个小时更改卫生棉条。确保使用流程所需的最低吸收性卫生棉条。例如,在您期间的最轻的一天使用初级或常规卫生棉条。在最轻的日子里使用超级吸收卫生棉条增加了风险toxic shock syndrome(TSS)。TSS是一个罕见的,但有时候致命disease。TSS is caused bybacteriathat can produce toxins. If your body can't fight the toxins, yourimmune(身体防御)系统反应并导致TSS的症状(见下文)。


  • Follow package directions forinsertion
  • Choose the lowest absorbency for your flow.
  • Change your tampon at least every 4 to 8 hours.
  • 考虑在焊盘和卫生棉条之间切换。
  • Know the warning signs of TSS (see below).
  • Don't use tampons between periods.


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"Menstruation." Womenshealth.gov. Apr. 25, 2018. .

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