
Reviewed on1/13/2021


  • Marijuana(科学名称是大麻sativa)叶子,种子,茎和/或根由大麻使用者食用,目的是陶醉。
  • THC或四氢大麻醇是大麻中的数百种化合物之一重大的在toxicating effects.
  • Marijuana that is consumed for medical purposes, like for patients withnausea或与之相关的食欲不振AIDS或者cancertreatment, is legala few states of the United States.
  • Possession of marijuana, regardless of its purpose, is illegal in many jurisdictions.
  • 虽然最近一次使用大麻的人数似乎并没有增加,但与大麻有关的疾病的人数显着增加。根据年龄和种族,这或多或少是正确的。
  • 地中海ical marijuana, 也被称为marinol(Dronabinol), is a synthetic form of marijuana.
  • There are many ways of referring to marijuana itself, as well as for how it is smoked.
  • 大麻的历史可以追溯到数千年。它在20世纪的许多国家中仅是非法的。
  • The use of medical marijuana is currently legal in many U.S. states and the District of Columbia. In those jurisdictions, people for whom medical marijuana has been specifically recommended by a医师must carry a (medical) marijuana card that indicates their use of thesubstancefor a clear medical purpose.
  • 在大多数司法管辖区中,无论是否出于药用目的,试图完全使使用大麻合法化。
  • There are a variety of marijuana types, also calledstrains
  • 许多研究show大麻确实是一种上瘾的物质。症状大麻与任何其他成瘾性物质相似。
  • 症状marijuana withdrawal are similar to those of other drugs and include irritability,愤怒,depression,在somnia, drug craving, and decreased appetite.
  • 大麻的负面身体,心理和社会影响很多。
  • 虽然大多数滥用大麻或依赖大麻的人受到治疗outpatient基础,入场到门诊和住院treatment programs for marijuana addiction has increased over the years.
  • 行为和家庭-based treatments have been found to be effective for marijuana abuse and addiction.
  • There is as yet no药物that has yet been shown to be a clearly effective treatment of marijuana-use disorders.


Marijuana is a plant whose scientific name is大麻sativa。Its leaves, seeds, stems, and/or roots are consumed by marijuana users for the purpose of feeling intoxicated ("high"). Although the plant contains hundreds of compounds, the one that has major intoxicating effects is called tetrahydrocannibinol (THC). Although medical marijuana is legal in a few states of the United States, it is one of many illegal drugs in most jurisdictions. Specifically, laws in most states deem it illegal to engage in possession of marijuana, either for the purpose of your own use or for the purpose of distributing it to others.

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal substance worldwide. While the number of people who use marijuana at any one time does not seem to have increased in the past decade, the number of people who have a marijuana-related disorder has increased significantly. This seems to be particularly true for elderly individuals as well as for young Hispanic andAfrican-Americanadults. Inteens,男孩比女孩更有可能吸烟或使用大麻。美国原住民青少年似乎是最容易参与最近使用大麻的族裔,亚洲青少年往往最不可能。

What is medical marijuana? How is medical marijuana prescribed?

地中海ical marijuana, also called marinol (Dronabinol), is a synthetic form of marijuana. It comes in 2.5毫克, 5 mg, and 10 mg capsules and is used for the treatment of poor appetite andfood在take (anorexia) 和减肥在people withacquired免疫deficiency综合征(AIDS) 和for the nausea and呕吐由于cancer化学疗法在在dividuals who have not responded adequately to usual treatments for those symptoms. When used for appetite stimulation, marinol is usually dosed at 2.5 mg once or twice per day before lunch, dinner, and/or bedtime. When it is being prescribed to quell nausea, it is usually prescribed at 5 mg, one to three hours before a chemotherapy treatment and every two to four hours after chemotherapy, up to six doses per day.

The most common physicalside effectsMarinol包括hathenia(能源短缺),upset, nausea, vomiting, racingrate, facial flushing, and头晕


这个药物should, therefore, be used with caution in persons who have a精神健康诊断, particularlydepression, 情绪波动,精神分裂症, or药物滥用。When prescribed for those people, the individual is usually under the care of apsychiatrist




There are many, many ways of referring to marijuana. The technical term for marijuana is大麻。锅,大麻,草药,凉菜,甘贾和杂草等一些术语是指物质本身。大麻的效力形式通常称为大麻或哈希。其他词,例如关节,钝,偏僻的芽,芽或烟囱,指大麻熏制的方式。大麻也经常在烟斗中抽烟或在食物中烘烤,例如布朗尼蛋糕。


大麻的历史可以追溯到数千年。它在20世纪的许多国家中仅是非法的。In the past 20 years in the United States, the legalization pros and cons of medical marijuana have been intensely debated as it has become legal to use it in 20 states and the District of Columbia. In those jurisdictions, people for whom medical marijuana has been specifically recommended by a physician must carry a (medical) marijuana card that indicates their use of the substance for a clear medical purpose. Individuals who do not carry such a card risk prosecution for marijuana possession. Different states that allow for legal use of marijuana have different guidelines for the legality of possessing and using medical marijuana. For example, at least one bans home cultivation, and there are regulations concerning the operations of dispensaries in some states.

Federal laws continue to deem marijuana possession, as well as its distribution, as illegal, whether it is used for medicinal purposes or not. While the prosecution rates of individuals who carry small amounts of the substance along with a medical marijuana card tend to be low, dispensaries in states that have legalized medical marijuana remain criminalized and are therefore often raided by law-enforcement agencies.

在大多数司法管辖区中,无论是否出于药用目的,试图完全使使用大麻合法化。For example, in 2010, Proposition 19, a measure that would have completely legalized possession and growing marijuana then taxed and regulated its use was defeated in the state of California. However, California already reduced legal sanctions for possessing small amounts of marijuana to the level comparable to the penalty for speeding on a freeway.

有多种大麻类型,也称为菌株。菌株往往基于图片所示的叶子颜色,以及菌株的效力和医疗目的。大麻的医用菌株专门为特定的健康benefit, like疼痛管理或减少恶心。一些州对大麻菌株进行了限制,可以合法使用和出售。大麻药房经常通过邮购出售水培大麻种子,该邮购可以在有或没有土壤的情况下以营养溶液生长。

Is marijuana addictive?

许多研究表明,大麻确实是一种上瘾的物质。所有年龄段的大麻成瘾率都增加了。青少年在年轻时使用该药物。每六名青少年中,大约有一个使用大麻会瘾成瘾,而接受大麻使用治疗的人则不到25岁。虽然过去几年的使用频率似乎保持不变,但成人人们更加依赖大麻。关于潜在原因增加的理论包括增加access大麻的更高的效力,以及a lower age at which many individuals first use this drug.

症状瘾大麻与任何其他成瘾性物质相似。As with any other drug, in order to资格为了诊断大麻成瘾,个人必须患这种药物的负面模式,这会导致重大问题或痛苦,其中至少三种症状在同一一年的同一时间同时发生:

  • Tolerance(decreased effects of marijuana over time or needing to increase the amount used to achieve the desired effect)
  • Withdrawal (characteristic symptoms that occur when the individual abstains from using marijuana for some days)
  • Often taking marijuana in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than planned
  • Persistent desire to use marijuana or trouble decreasing or controlling its use
  • Spending significant time either obtaining marijuana (for example, buying, growing), using it, or recovering from its effects
  • Significant social, educational, occupational, or leisure activities are either abandoned or significantly decreased as a result of marijuana's use
  • 尽管意识或经历了持久或重复的身体或心理问题,但仍在继续使用大麻

症状marijuana withdrawal are similar to those of other drugs, especiallytobacco。Those symptoms usually start one to two days after last using marijuana and include irritability, anger,depression,在somnia, drug craving, and decreased appetite. These symptoms tend to interfere with the individual's attempts to stop using marijuana and can motivate the use of both marijuana and other drugs for relief. The symptoms of withdrawal tend to peak within four to six days and last from one to three weeks.


大麻的不良影响很多。例如,它可以损害思维,例如学习和memoryfor several days after each time it is used. That risk seems to be even higher for people who score lower on智商tests compared to those who score higher.

The social effects of抽烟大麻也可能很有害。使用该物质的青少年的风险更高pregnancy,辍学,犯罪,法律问题,在教育和职业上取得较少的成就。依赖大麻的人往往会减少动力,不太幸福或对自己的生活感到满意。他们还面临抑郁症的风险,并使用大量alcoholand other drugs.


就大麻倾向于停留在您的系统中的时间,可以在药物测试中检测到大约两周。像许多其他被摄入的化学物质一样,大麻可以affectyour body in many ways. It seems to be associated with an increased occurrence of certain癌症。它也可能增加性行为的风险功能障碍; statistics在dicatethat men who smoke or otherwise consume marijuana regularly are at higher risk of either havingpremature ejaculation或者trouble reaching或者gasm。定期使用这种物质的男人和女人似乎有更多的性伴侣,并有更多的危险性病与不使用大麻的人相比。

Marijuana's effects on the body and发展胎儿seem to be clearly negative. Exposure to this substance before birth (prenatally) is associated with negative effects on fetal growth and body weight, as well as on the impulse控制, focusing ability, learning, memory, and decision making in the child who was exposed to marijuana before birth. These negative effects by no means only affect婴儿who are exposed to marijuana before birth (in utero). Marijuana tends to negatively affect learning, judgment, and肌肉skills in people who use marijuana by their own volition.


Most individuals with marijuana abuse or dependence are treated on an outpatient basis. Admission to outpatient and inpatient treatment programs for marijuana addiction has increased over the years to the point that the addiction to this substance is nearly as high as dependence on other illegal drugs, like可卡因或者海洛因

行为治疗,如动机增强治疗(见面),cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT)和应急管理(CM),发现基于家庭的治疗是滥用大麻和成瘾的有效治疗方法。

  • 见面is designed to lessen the反抗滥用大麻的人可能不得不放弃使用它。这个干涉is also designed to motivate the individual to change.
  • CBTteaches people who abuse marijuana skills to help them stop using the drug and to ways to avoid or manage other problems that might prevent them from marijuana use recovery.
  • CM usually provides marijuana users with vouchers of increasing value as a reward for repeatedly testing negative for (the absence of) drugs over time. Those vouchers are then exchanged for positive items or services that promote the person's participation in more positive (social) activities, like securing employment or advancing their education or health.

除了刚刚描述的个人疗法外,经常使用一种或多种家庭疗法对虐待或沉迷于大麻的青少年也经常进行治疗。其中包括多维疗法,多系统疗法,家庭支持网络干预和简短的战略家庭治疗。这些干预措施中的每一个都使用旨在增强上瘾个人和的技能的技术他的或者her family members as a way of discouraging marijuana use.

Although there is no medication that has yet been shown to be a clearly effective treatment of marijuana-use disorders, research shows thatantidepressant药物s like nefazodone (Serzone) 和氟西汀(Prozac)可能会帮助一些人管理大麻戒断并避免relapse, respectively.口服THC (Dronabinol) may also help alleviate symptoms of marijuana withdrawal. Successful psychotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of marijuana abuse or addiction include motivational approaches to coping skills发展

Is it possible to prevent marijuana abuse and addiction?



While many people with a marijuana-use disorder successfully stop using it with outpatient心理治疗这提供了动力并教授应对技巧,复发率很高。但是,当经常提供治疗时,该统计数据会有所改善。开始的个人抽烟17岁以前的大麻似乎尝试的可能性超过三倍自杀比那些从未使用该物质或17岁以后这样做的人也是如此,这种风险也会发生,因为那些在17岁之前患有抑郁症或有自杀念头的人似乎处于更高的风险发展对大麻的成瘾。容易发展的人精神病(for example, having hallucinations like seeing things orhearing不存在的声音;或妄想,就像其他人试图伤害他或她的毫无根据的信念一样,即使是在药用的基础上,也可能会这样做。大麻滥用或成瘾也与发展对其他药物的依赖的风险更高。





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地中海ically reviewed by Marina Katz, MD; American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology




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