Definition of Diabetic nephropathy

Reviewed on6/3/2021

Diabetic nephropathy:Kidney disease从长期diabetes.Diabetesaffects the tinybloodvesselsintheglomerulus, a key structure in thekidneycomposed ofcapillaryblood vessels. This structure is critical for blood filtration. Features of diabeticnephropathyinclude nephroticsyndrome, which is characterized by excessiveproteinin theurine,high blood pressure, and progressively impaired kidney function. With severe diabetic nephropathy,kidney failure,end-stage renal diseaserequiringkidney dialysisor akidney transplantmay result. Also known as intercapillary glomerulonephritis,Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease, andKimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome.


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