


  • When a person is missingteeth, he or she may experience a variety of problems. The person may become less confidentin他们的微笑,很难说和吃某些食物。
  • 假牙是定制以替换一个人缺失牙齿并恢复外观的设备oralfunctions that were lost.
  • 假牙可以是完整的义齿或部分义齿。
  • 一个full denture is used when all of the person's teeth are missing and a partial denture is used when only some of the teeth are missing.

What are the differenttypes假牙?

完整的假牙:完整的假牙是由塑料base that is colored in order to replicate gumtissue并支撑一套塑料或瓷器牙齿。传统的完整义齿在mouth通过与牙龈形成密封。它们也可以通过附着在适当的位置牙科植入物that are surgically placed in thebone下巴。这种治疗比传统的完整义齿贵得多。

Partial Dentures:可以用塑料底座或金属框架制成部分义齿,以支撑需要更换的牙齿数量。它通过使用扣子和静止在天然牙齿周围的静止状态保持在口腔中。使用金属框架的部分义齿是由于金属的刚性和强度而导致的。塑料部分义齿通常被用作紧急或临时替代牙齿缺失的牙齿,使牙龈和骨骼在获得明确的修复溶液之前愈合。然而,最近,已经开发出各种材料,例如在某些情况下提供耐用,灵活的替代品。

How are dentures made?

之后齿is extracted or lost, the tooth socket starts to fill in with bone and the gum tissue heals and changes shape. This过程需要几个月的时间,直到牙龈和骨骼达到稳定的形状。在此之后,制作了常规的全义齿,最好是从口腔中提取或丢失牙齿后约8至12周。

这过程starts by taking a series of impressions or molds of the oral tissues that will support the denture. A dentallabwill use these impressions to make models of the病人's mouth. The dentist andlaboratory技术员会慢慢开始构建巢穴tures on these models and transferring them to the patient's mouth at each step to ensure proper fit, establish a proper bite, and ensure that the appearance and esthetics of the denture are desirable. The patient will generally need to be seen by the dentist once per week for about 4 to 5 weeks until the denture is complete. The patient will then need to return occasionally during the first month after the denture is delivered to have adjustments made.

一个immediate denture can often be made so that the patient has something to wear the same day the teeth are removed. This type of denture is made before the teeth are extracted and is put in place the day the teeth are removed. Sometimes the back teeth are taken out first and the front teeth are left in place until the day the denture is delivered. This type of denture doesn't fit the bone and gum tissue as intimately as a conventional denture, so it requires more adjustments during the healing阶段。直到所有口香糖和骨骼愈合完成后,可以制作常规义齿,直到可以制作常规义齿为止。


这re are two other ways missing teeth can be replaced -- with桥梁and implants.


Implants:一个implant是金属邮政that is inserted into the bone of the upper or lower。This post is then used to replace a single tooth by attaching acrown向此,或通过连接多个牙齿到多个植入物。植入物是替换牙齿的最昂贵选择,但是植入物比其他任何选择都更好地模拟天然牙齿。


What causes tooth decay?See Answer

Will dentures affect the way of a person looks, feels, eats, and speaks?


与义齿一起进食需要一些练习。最好从软食物开始,咀嚼食物同样在口腔两侧,并慢慢引入更多的固体食物。应避免咀嚼或粘性食物。一旦脸颊和tongueget used to the denture, they will begin to automatically help keep the denture in place.

Speaking also requires practice but will become easier with repetition. With exaggerated movements such asyawning或笑着,义齿起初可能会被脱落。如果继续进行,则可能需要调整或固定义齿(翻新)。义齿可能导致增加的产量唾液at first, but it will reduce back to normal.

一个re dentures worn all day?



义齿必须非常谨慎地处理,并放置在一个容器中wateror denture cleaner when not being worn. They should never be placed in hot water, for they can be damaged or warped. They must be cleaned daily using a soft齿brushwith soap and water. The mouth should be rinsed daily without the dentures in place to clean off anyplaque并降低infectionlike念珠菌病

这re are a lot of different denture products that can be purchased at any drugstore to help with caring for and cleaning dentures.


义齿粘合剂是一种糊状或胶水,可帮助义齿粘附在支撑组织上,而不是依靠抽吸或扣子。有时粘合剂称为义齿cream。一个small amount of denture adhesive can be applied evenly to the clean surface of a denture to enhance stability and retention. It shouldn't be used to compensate for a poor-fitting denture or as an alternative to visiting the dentist for regular checkups.




Most dental insurance companies cover some or all of the cost of dentures, making them very affordable. The insurance company should be contacted to determine the exact amount of coverage.

How long do dentures last?


次要的fracturesin the teeth or acrylic base can usually be repaired by a dental lab in 1 to 2 days. Denture repair kits are even sold at most drugstores and online to fix minor cracks or replace loose teeth. Repairing the denture properly can be complicated, however, so if denture problems are noticed, it is best to contact a general dentist as soon as possible to arrange the denture repair.


口问题:TMJ,溃疡疮,牙龈疼痛等等See Slideshow

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由医学博士Kenneth Rotskoff,DDS进行医学审查;董事会认证牙科,口腔/上颌面外科手术


"Restoring your smile with dentures."Journal of the American Dental Association。143.5(2012):528。


Carr, Alan B. and David T. Brown.麦克拉肯的可移动部分肢体牙齿。11th ed. Mosby, Inc., 2005.

Grasso,Joseph E.“义齿粘合剂:改变态度。”Journal of the American Dental Association127.1(1996):90-96。

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