
Reviewed on2/1/2021
Alt TextChronic coughing can be a sign of a cold or a more serious disease making it a symptom you shouldn't ignore.
咳嗽可以是符号感冒或更严重的疾病使它成为症状you shouldn't ignore. Source: iStock


What is chronic (persistent) cough?


咳嗽是哮喘的症状,该疾病应由医生监测。 资料来源:盖蒂图像


慢性咳嗽的一些常见原因和风险因素包括哮喘,过敏鼻炎,鼻窦问题(例如鼻窦感染),食管反流contents, medications such asACE inhibitors和百日咳。在极少数情况下,慢性咳嗽可能是将异物进入的结果(通常在儿童中)。重要的是要看到一位医生可以订购胸部X-rayif a chronic cough is present. Common causes of chronic cough include:

  • Cigarette smoking是持续慢性咳嗽的最常见原因。
  • 哮喘是气道的疾病,导致困难breathing或者喘息的ten characterized by不正常呼吸测试。一些哮喘患者患有慢性咳嗽是他们唯一的症状。他们甚至可能进行正常的肺功能测试。这通常被称为咳嗽变化的哮喘。哮喘症状可能会因寒冷的air, exposure to air pollutants,花粉, smoke, or perfumes.
  • 胃食管反流病(gerd)refers to酸回流,或向后流,胃酸和其他含量进入食管。If stomach acid moves backward up the esophagus, reflexes result inspasm可能导致的气道呼吸急促和咳嗽。在某些情况下,酸回流可能非常严重,以至于物质可以被吸入(吸气)到肺中,并造成类似的症状以及对肺的损害组织。In some individuals, no感觉感觉到胃灼热,他们唯一的症状可能是慢性咳嗽。
  • 鼻窦问题和鼻后滴也是慢性咳嗽的原因粘液。这种情况可能很难检测到。有时CT扫描的the sinuses is necessary for诊断。受影响的人经常抱怨“他们的挠痒痒throat" and frequent throat clearing.
  • 感染such as支气管炎或者pneumonia可以引起acute咳嗽或慢性咳嗽。这些感染可能是由病毒,细菌, 或者fungusViral感染对抗生素没有反应。这普通感冒流感通常会产生干咳。Viral上呼吸道感染的ten result in a prolonged cough even after the感染已经在患有哮喘的人中清除了。急性支气管炎和慢性支气管炎are common causes of咳血(hemoptysis).
  • 一个特殊的拉紧细菌lpneumonia,被称为支原体,可能引起慢性咳嗽fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, andsputumproduction. This infection is sometimes referred to as "walking肺炎,“通常会影响年轻人和健康people.
  • Whooping cough(pertussis)是一个急性,高度传染性的呼吸道bacteriumBordetella pertussis。它会引起暴力,快速,持续的咳嗽(通常是一场咳嗽的高咳嗽,最终带有“ hoop”声音),并且在幼儿中可能会威胁生命。百日咳通常会影响婴儿和幼儿,但可以阻止immunization与百日咳疫苗。在成年人中,百日咳可能是慢性咳嗽的原因。
  • 慢性的儿童咳嗽is uncommon.Foreign material obstructing the airways of the lungs, asthma, andallergiesneed to be evaluated by a pediatrician.
  • Certain medications, like ACE inhibitors (依那普利[Vasotec],,卡托普利[Capoten] etc.) used in treating高血压会导致慢性咳嗽。
  • Less common causes of chronic cough includeallergies, tumors,sarcoidosis,充血性心力衰竭,或其他肺部疾病,例如慢性阻塞性疾病(COPD)或肺气肿。肺部疾病阿尔so can cause coughing upblood

If chronic cough persists, it is important to be evaluated by a doctor. The健康- 护理专业人员将考虑哮喘,鼻后滴的可能性,食管反流,drug side effects,间质性肺部疾病,lung cancer,或其他不寻常的感染。

百日咳可以持续10周,并且vaccination can prevent whooping cough.
百日咳可以持续10周,并且vaccination可以防止百日咳。 Source: MedicineNet

What are other signs and symptoms of chronic cough in children and adults?

A chronic cough may be accompanied by other cold symptoms, including:

  • Sore throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • 流鼻涕或闷闷不乐nose
  • 嘶哑
  • 胃灼热
  • 口中不好的味道
  • Phlegm


  • 喘息或呼吸困难
  • 发热
  • 胸痛
  • 咳嗽血液或黄色或绿色痰
  • 咳嗽如此艰难,使你呕吐
  • 你有一个无法解释的咳嗽减肥



  1. 干咳:is a persistent dry cough is a cough that does not produce any mucus, is irritating to the lungs and throat, and may be a sign of a病毒感染或鼻窦问题
  2. 慢性的wet cough:是产生粘液(痰)并根据颜色的咳嗽,可能indicatea bacterial infection orfluid in the lungs(充血心脏衰竭)
  3. 压力咳嗽:当您承受压力时,导致气道的反身痉挛。它通常不会产生粘液,并且通常与感染无关。
  4. “吠叫”咳嗽:通常在儿童中发现,可能与chroup或其他病毒疾病。臀部咳嗽的苛刻,吠叫声是由肿胀引起的windpipe(气管).
  5. Whooping cough:是在咳嗽后引起“百日事”声音的咳嗽可能表明严重的感染,应由医生评估。百日咳(百日咳)是一种高度传染性的呼吸道疾病,可能是致命的婴儿1岁以下。


哪种疾病被称为病毒上呼吸道感染?See Answer
Cough syrup may help soothe and calm both chronic and acute coughs.
Cough syrup may help soothe and calm both chronic and acute coughs. Source: iStock

What is the treatment for chronic cough caused by health problems?

这treatment of chronic cough is directed at the cause. Symptoms may be relieved withover-the-counter(OTC)含有的咳嗽药guaifenesin和/或右美脑(these can be found as cough syrups intabletform).



医生应该检查任何patient持续咳嗽。 资料来源:盖蒂图像


感染:Bacterial pneumonia and支气管炎are typically treated with antibiotics such as cephalosporins,阿奇霉素(Zithromax)和其他抗生素。如果肺炎接近胸部wall inflammation of the surface of the lung can cause疼痛, known as胸膜炎, 和疼痛relievers (analgesics) can be helpful. Cough suppressants are used with caution in these situations because clearing the lung of the infected mucus by coughing helps clear the infection. Most bronchitis in adults is caused by viral infections. Therefore, treatment is much the same as that of the普通感冒包括rest, fluids, pain relievers, and humidification. Some people findexpectorant咳嗽medicines containing guaifenesin helpful in alleviating their discomfort. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate viral bronchitis from bacterial bronchitis, and antibiotics are prescribed. In some cases, asthmatics can produce green mucus that looks infected. Your doctor can have the mucus examined to determine if an infection is present.

Medications:患有慢性咳嗽的患者正在服用blood pressuremedicines called ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-convertingenzyme),例如,依那普利(Vasotec),卡托普利(Capoten),赖诺普利(Zestril,Prinivil)等。应该与他们的医生谈论切换药物。患者不应自行服药,因为血压的明显升高可能是由于停用而导致的。与您的医生讨论任何可能的药物更改。一种新一代的ACE抑制剂,例如ARBS(ARBS)(血管紧张素受体阻滞剂, for example,瓦尔萨坦[Diovan],,losartan[Cozaar],,etc.) can be alternatives that have less potential to cause chronic coughing. Many other drugs are available to manage blood pressure.

姜tea with lemon is one of many home remedies to relieve and soothe chronic cough symptoms.
姜tea with lemon is one of many home remedies to relieve and soothe chronic cough symptoms. Source: iStock



  1. 保持水分。液体可以帮助稀薄的分泌物。
  2. 用温暖的盐水漱口帮助清洁喉咙并清除粘液。
  3. 海拔高度ate your head晚上有额外的枕头,以减轻慢性干咳嗽。
  4. Inhale steam在淋浴中,或使用酷潮humidifier缓解干咳嗽。
  5. 咳嗽滴可能会舒缓刺激性的喉咙。
  6. 不吸烟或使用烟草产品。
  7. Avoid inhaled irritantssuch as smoke, dust, or other pollutants.
  8. 蜜糖通常可以是持续咳嗽的有效治疗方法。将蜂蜜加到热茶中,甚至葡萄汁
  9. ,作为茶准备,通常用于帮助减轻慢性咳嗽的症状并清除鼻腔通道。
  10. 其他草药,例如桉树或者mint通常用于缓解咳嗽症状。

5 chronic cough in children and adults prevention tips

  1. Don't smoke, as抽烟是慢性咳嗽的最常见原因。
  2. Talk to your doctors about管理您的哮喘,鼻腔滴水或GERD避免慢性咳嗽症状。
  3. Stay away from others已知患有支气管炎或肺炎。
  4. 吃水果。Research suggests that diets high in fruitfiber类黄酮可以预防慢性生产性咳嗽。
  5. 确保您和您的孩子得到百日咳(百日咳)疫苗


A初级保健提供者(PCP) such as afamily从业者或内科医生may initially diagnose and treat a persistent cough. If cough is severe, a person may be seen in ahospital's急诊科by an急诊医学specialist.

根据根本原因,患有不断咳嗽的人可能会转交给不同的专家。肺科医生是肺部专家,他治疗气道疾病。过敏症患者是过敏specialist who may treat chronic cough due to allergies. Gastroenterologists specialize in diseases of the digestive tract and can treat chronic cough due to conditions such as胃食管反流疾病(GERD)。心脏病专家专门研究circulatory system和may treat persistent cough that can be a secondary symptom of心疾病



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医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心。质子泵抑制剂:用于成人。2013年8月16日。2015年6月16日 pdf> pdf> pdf> pdf>

Waknine, Y. Diet High in Fruit Fiber and Flavonoids May Prevent Chronic Productive Cough. Medscape Medical News. Aug 03, 2004.

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