Definition of Biofeedback

Reviewed on3/29/2021

Biofeedback:A method of treatment that uses a monitor to measure patients'physiologicinformation of which they are normally unaware. By watching a monitor, patients can learn by trial and error to adjust their thinking and other mental processesinorder tocontrol'involuntary' bodily processes such asblood pressure,temperature,gastrointestinalfunctioning, andbrainwave activity.Biofeedbackis now used to treat a wide variety of conditions and diseases, includingstress,alcoholand other addictions,sleep disorders,epilepsy,respiratoryproblems,fecalandurinary incontinence,muscle spasms, partialparalysis,muscledysfunctioncaused byinjury,万博老版本网页版headaches,hypertension, and a variety ofbloodvesselconditions, includingRaynaud's phenomenon.


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