Barium Enema

Reviewed on3/23/2021


What is a barium enema series?

A lowerGI.series, also known as a barium enema, barium enema procedure,钡灌肠X射线or double-contrast barium enema, is an X-ray testinwhich a white liquid, called barium, is infused through a导管(管子) inserted through the肛门进入直肠直至它填充大肠(冒号)。然后采取结肠的X射线膜,以便可以看到结肠的轮廓。钡灌肠和双对比钡灌肠are used to define normal andabnormalanatomy of the colon and rectum. Colon andrectal可以检测到的异常包括憩室化, polyps,扩张的冒号,Hirschsprung病在婴儿和结肠cancers.

What are the risks of a lower barium enema?

Distention的冒号is uncomfortable, but only a few patients find it very painful. Any X-ray test procedure involves some risk of radiation exposure. The radiation exposure is minimized by standard techniques which have been developed and approved by national and international radiology committees and councils. All radiology technologists are certified by national certifying boards.

是或可能是的妇女孕should notify the doctor requesting the procedure and the radiology staff, as there is a potential risk of harm to the fetus with any radiation exposure. Complications of barium enema examination are rare. The tip of the enema catheter or distention of the colon can penetrate the wall of the colon and give rise to a localizedinfection(abscess) orperitonitis(generalized infection of the腹部)。这通常仅在使用过大的压力时发生infusethe barium or there is already a diseased colon that is weakened.

How does the patient prepare for a lower barium enema, and how is it performed?

Any internal or external materials that make an X-ray image less clear can interfere with the accuracy of a barium enema. Therefore, before undergoing a barium enema (lower GI), it is important to eliminate as muchfecal来自结肠和直肠的材料可能是可能的。在考试之前,清楚液体饮食并且洁净的灌肠通常用于清空结肠。有助于疏散的其他药物bowel通常使用。这被称为肠道准备,External materials such as extra clothing, metallic devices, or jewelry are removed prior to the test. A放射学家(医生专门从事使用和解释X射线s)和放射技术工作表演工作执行程序病人.

  • 钡灌肠涉及通过肛门插入直肠的导管(管)用白色液体材料(钡)填充结肠和直肠。在手术过程中是正常的,感受到一些充满活力或轻度不适腹部.
  • Subsequently, an X-ray machine is placed in front of the patient with X-ray电影behind.
  • Images of the colon then are obtained by exposing the abdomen to the radiation. The contrast in density between the barium-filled colon and other structures of the abdomen are apparent on the X-ray film and give an excellent outline of the colon.
  • The radiologist also will use a fluoroscope, an X-ray device on which the barium can be seen in motion flowing into the colon.
  • Further static images of the colon then are obtained on plain X-ray film or digital computerized image.
  • The barium then may be drained so that only a small amount of barium remains sticking to the lining of the colon, and air is infused into the colon to distend it.
  • Further X-rays then are taken which give more detail of colon's lining than the X-rays of the barium-filled colon. This latter procedure is called a double contrast barium enema since both air and barium are used to provide the images. Polyps and small cancers are more readily found using this technique (called an air contrast barium enema).
  • A barium enema can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour depending on the problem being studied and the particular anatomy of the patient's colon.


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After the X-ray films are developed by the radiology technologist, they are transmitted to the radiologist, who interprets the body structures visualized on the X-ray film. An interpretation and report of the barium enema is forwarded to the doctor who requested the test usually within one to two days. The doctor then can review the results of the report with the patient. The actual films of the examination also can be sent to thehealth如有必要,护理从业者。


John A. Daller,MD医学审查;美国手术委员会与外科批判性护理中的亚专业认证


Doubeni, Chyke. "Tests for screening for colorectal cancer: Stool tests, radiologic imaging and endoscopy." UptoDate. Aug. 23, 2016.

