关节炎(Joint Inflammation)

Reviewed on1/7/2020


Pictures of Normal and Arthritic joints

什么is arthritis?

关节炎is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.

关节炎is frequently accompanied by joint pain. Joint疼痛is referred to asarthralgia。When four or more joints are involved, the arthritis is referred to as polyarthritis. When two or three joints are involved, it is referred to asoligoarthritis。当仅涉及一个关节时,它被称为monoarthritis

How many类型of arthritis exist?

有许多类型的关节炎(确定了100多种)。关节炎的类型范围从与佩戴和tearofcartilage(such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from a misdirectedimmune system(such as类风湿关节炎)。而骨关节炎和类风湿关节炎are common types of arthritis, there are many other common and uncommon types of arthritis. Other types of inflammatory arthritis include

Together, the many types of arthritis make up the most common久病in美国。可以在associationwithvirus感染s.

什么are arthritis symptoms and signs?

Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Joint inflammation from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, pain, and warmth.

  • 刚度的joint can lead to poor function.
  • Tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present with or without pain.
  • 当涉及大关节时,例如knee, there can be loss of cartilage with limitation of motion from the joint damage.
  • When arthritis affects the small joints in fingers, there can begrowth and loss of hand grip and grip strength of the hand associated with stiffness.
  • 关节炎of weight-bearing joints can lead to difficultyfrom poor joint function and arthritis pain.

Many of the forms of arthritis, because they are rheumatic diseases, can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Therefore, symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis can also include


期限关节炎指关节的刚度。See Answer

什么is a rheumatologist, and what specialties of doctors treat arthritis?

A rheumatologist is a medicaldoctorwho specializes in the nonsurgical treatment of rheumatic illnesses, especially arthritis.

Rheumatologistshave special interests in unexplainedrash,发烧,关节炎,贫血, weakness,减肥,fatigue,关节或muscle疼痛,autoimmune disease, andanorexia。They often serve as consultants, acting like medical detectives at the request of other doctors.

Rheumatologists have particular skills in the evaluation of the over 100 forms of arthritis and have special interests in inflammatory arthritis such as

Classical adultrheumatology培训包括四年医学院, one year of internship in内科, two years of internal-medicine residency, and two years ofrheumatology奖学金。美国内科委员会提供的风湿病学认证委员会可以为批准的风湿病学家提供董事会认证。

  • Pediatric风湿病学家是专门为儿童(及其家人)提供风湿性疾病(尤其是关节炎)提供综合护理的医生。
  • 小儿风湿病学家是儿科医生,他们还完成了小儿风湿病学专业的两到三年专业培训,通常在小儿流变学中获得董事会认证。

Other doctors who treat arthritis include

  • pediatricians, internists,
  • 普通医学医生,
  • family medicine医生和
  • orthopedic surgeons.


关节炎sufferers include men and women, children, and adults.


The causes of arthritis depend on the form of arthritis. Causes include

关节炎is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. These are conditions that are different individual illnesses, with differing features, treatments, complications, and prognoses. They are similar in that they have a tendency toaffect关节,肌肉,韧带,软骨和肌腱,许多人有可能影响其他内部身体区域。

什么are risk factors for arthritis?

The主要的risk factors for most forms of arthritis aregenes那是inheritedfrom ancestors.Trauma- 相关关节炎与特定活动受伤的风险有关。


什么是类风湿关节炎(RA)?症状,治疗,诊断See Slideshow

How do health care professionals diagnose arthritis?

The first step in the diagnosis of arthritis is a meeting between the doctor and the病人。The doctor will review the history of symptoms, examine the joints for inflammation and deformity, as well as ask questions about or examine other parts of the body for inflammation or signs of diseases that can affect other body areas. Furthermore, medical professionals might order certain blood (C-reactive protein,sedimentation rate,类风湿因子,anti-CCP抗体, etc.),urine、关节液和/或X-raytests. Plain X-ray testing can be used to easily detect signs of osteoarthritis, such as joint space narrowing and spur formation (osteophytes)。A doctor will make a diagnosis based on the pattern of symptoms, the distribution of the inflamed joints, and any blood and X-ray findings. Several visits may be necessary before the doctor can be certain of the diagnosis. A doctor with special training in arthritis and related diseases is called a rheumatologist (see below).

Many forms of arthritis are more of an annoyance than serious. However, millions of people suffer daily with pain and disability from arthritis or its complications.

较早,准确的诊断可以帮助预防不可逆的损害和残疾。适当指导的计划锻炼and休息,药物,physical therapy, andsurgeryoptions can idealize long-term outcomes for those with arthritis.锻炼锻炼程序可以通过增强肌肉骨骼系统而在改善的同时加强肌肉骨骼系统来帮助提供联合稳定性。balance。Physical therapists can provide the care needed for properly guided exercise regimens.

It should be noted that both before and especially after the diagnosis of arthritis, communication with the treating doctor isessentialfor optimalhealth。This is important from the standpoint of the doctor, so that he/she can be aware of the vagaries of the patient's symptoms as well as theirtolerance的治疗和接受。从患者的角度来看,这一点很重要,因此可以确保他们对诊断有了解以及如何了解condition确实会影响他们。这对于安全使用药物也至关重要。

Is there an arthritis diet?

For most forms of arthritis, diets play little or no role in precipitating or exacerbating the condition. However, in general, oils of fish have been shown to haveanti-inflammatory properties. Some osteoarthritis suffers benefit from omega-3fatty acid补品。有些患有骨关节炎的人会从中受益姜黄素that is present in curry foods.

Gout是一种特殊类型的代谢关节炎饮食-related. Foods that are high in purines, especially red meats and shellfish, can worsen the condition. Moreover, certain foods elevate the levels of uric acid, includingalcohol(especially beer) and those foods containing high amounts of果糖(such as the玉米syrup found in soft饮料)。对于有腹腔疾病,谷蛋白-containing foods (wheat, barley, rye) can worsen joint pains.


除了独特的代谢形式的关节炎goutand celiac disease, there are no universally accepted foods that must be avoided by people with arthritis. That is, most foods are joint friendly.Gout, however, can be promoted and precipitated bydehydrationas well as fructose-containing foods (玉米syrup, etc.), high-purinefoods (seafood, shellfish,organmeats), and alcoholicbeverages(particularly beer). People with gout should avoid these foods. The arthritis of腹腔疾病can be worsened by intake of gluten-containing foods (wheat, barley, rye).


The treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of arthritis present. An accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment. Treatments available include physicaltherapy, home remedies, splinting,寒冷的- 包装施用,石蜡蘸酱,抗炎药,止痛药(从缓解疼痛不等在柜台medications such as对乙酰氨基酚[泰诺] 和ibuprofen[Motrin, Advil] to narcotics), immune-altering medications, biologic medications, and surgical operations (including joint replacement surgery). Pain from osteoarthritis of the knee can be relieved byhyaluronic acid注射。类风湿关节炎可能需要抑制免疫系统的药物(疾病修饰药物)。下背关节炎,令人刺激的神经脊柱can require surgical repair. For more on treatments of particular forms of arthritis, see the corresponding articles for the form of arthritis of interest.


The outlook for patients with arthritis depends on its severity, complications, and whether or not there are non-joint manifestations of the disease. For example, rheumatoid arthritis can affect the lungs, kidneys, eyes, etc.Chronicjoint inflammation can lead to permanent damage to the joint and loss of joint function, making movement difficult or impossible.


Since most forms of arthritis are inherited to some degree, there is no real way to prevent them. Arthritis that follows joint injury could be prevented by adhering to safety regulations and trying to avoid becoming injured. Arthritis related to感染(举些例子,septic arthritis,反应性关节炎,鞭打病)可以通过不感染因果生物而预防。可能的程度取决于各个条件。


期限关节炎指关节的刚度。See Answer

什么is the Arthritis Foundation?

The Arthritis Foundation is the only national自主性卫生组织,其目的是唯一的ly to all forms of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation has national and international programs involving support for scientific research, public information and education for affected patients and their families, training of specialists, public awareness, and local community assistance.



It is the ultimate goal of scientific arthritis research that optimal treatment programs are designed for each of the many form of arthritis. This field will continue to evolve as improvements develop in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and related conditions.

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Firestein, Gary S., et al.凯利(Kelley)和弗雷斯坦(Firestein)的风湿病学教科书,第2卷,第10版。阿姆斯特丹:爱思唯尔出版社,2017年。

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