Definition of ARDS

Reviewed on6/3/2021

ARDS:Acronym that stands for a disorder known as orAcuteRespiratoryDistressSyndrome.

InARDS there isrespiratory failureof sudden (acute)onsetdue to the rapid accumulation offluid in the lungs(pulmonary edema) following an abrupt increase in the permeability of the normal barrier between thecapillariesand the air sacs in thelungs. ARDS is the most serious response to acute lunginjury.

The types of acute lung injury that may lead to ARDS are very diverse. They include (but are by no means limited to)aspiration(swallowing fluid orfooddown thewindpipe),inhalationof a toxicsubstance, widespread (diffuse)infectionof the lungs,sepsis(bloodinfection) and neardrowning.

ARDS forces the muscles of the lungs to work harder causing laboredbreathing(huffing and puffing). Despite the effort,breathingis inefficient. There ishypoxemia(an abnormally low level ofoxygenin the blood), a characteristic feature of ARDS.

The treatment of ARDS frequently involves the transient use of a mechanicalventilatorto help breathing.


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