Types of Antacids Medications


What are antacids, and how do they work?

抗酸剂是一种用于治疗由酸产生的条件的药物stomach。胃自然序列称为盐酸的酸,有助于分解蛋白质。该酸导致胃的内容物是酸性的innature那with apH酸分泌活跃时2或3的水平。(pH水平是胃中酸度的衡量标准:数量越低,酸度越大。)胃,十二指肠那andesophagus通过几种保护机制免受酸的保护。当酸或保护机制过多时不足,胃,十二指肠或食道的衬里可能被酸损坏,从而产生inflammationand ulcerations and their various胃肠道symptoms such as

抗酸药降低酸度中和(counteracting) acid, reducing the acidity in the stomach, and reducing the amount of acid that is refluxed into the esophagus or emptied into the duodenum. Antacids also work by inhibiting the activity of pepsin, a digestiveenzyme在胃中产生的仅在酸中活跃environmentand, like acid, is believed to be injurious to the lining of the stomach, duodenum, and esophagus.

It is important to note that when antacids are taken on an empty stomach they provide acid reduction for 20 to 40 minutes only because the antacid is rapidly emptied into the duodenum.

  • When taken after a meal, (approximately 1 hour afterward) antacids reduce acid for at least three hours since食物from the meal slows the emptying of the antacid (and food) from the stomach.
  • It is important to discuss the use of antacids with aphysicianor药剂师那especially if used in combination with other prescribed medications so as to avoid drug interactions.


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For what conditions are antacids used? What are the types of antacids?


  • 胃灼热,
  • 腹部疼痛(sometimes described as the sour stomach), and
  • 恶心resulting from a number of conditions such as


  • 碳酸铝抗酸盐can be used to treat and managehyperphosphatemia(abnormally elevated levels ofphosphatein the)由于它们在磷酸盐中结合intestineand prevent it from being absorbed into the body. Because of this ability to bind phosphate in the intestine,碳酸盐岩抗酸药也可以用较低的越南河粉sphate diet to prevent the formation ofkidney石头,因为肾结石由包括磷酸盐的各种元素组成。
  • 碳酸钙抗酸钙are used in conditions of钙deficiency绝经后osteoporosissince some of the被吸收到身体中。
  • 氧化镁抗酸are used to treatmagnesiumdeficiencies from either diets or medications that cause magnesium depletion.
  • Off-label (not FDA-approved) usesfor antacids containing aluminum and magnesium or aluminum alone include preventing bleeding fromstress引起的溃疡。抗酸性的其他偏出用途是治疗和维护愈合duodenalulcers and treatment ofulcers.


Some antacid products may neutralize more acid in the stomach than others. The way to express the ability of an antacid to neutralize acid is by determining the antacid's neutralizing capacity (ANC的)。The ANC is expressed as milliequivalents (mEq) of acid that is neutralized, and it measures the ability of the antacid to neutralize acids (to a ph of 3.5 to 4). PerFDArequirements, an antacid must have a neutralizing capacity of ≥5 mEq per dose. The most effective antacids should have a high acid neutralization capacity and rapid gastric acid neutralization qualities.

  • Antacids such as碳酸氢钠and钙carbonate具有最大的中和能力,但由于不良事件,不使用长时间使用。(请参阅警告/注意事项和副作用的部分。)

antacid发病of neutralizing action (how fast the drug dissolves in gastric acid) varies among different antacids.

  • Sodiumbicarbonateand氢氧化镁快速溶解并提供快速缓冲效果,
  • while铝hydroxideand calcium carbonate dissolve slowly.
  • 抗酸悬浮液通常比片剂或粉末更容易溶解。如果一个tabletantacid is used, however, it is advisable to chew the tablets thoroughly for maximal effectiveness.

Another difference amongst the antacids is the duration of action (how long it continues to neutralize acid in the stomach).

  • Sodium bicarbonate and magnesium hydroxide have the shortest duration of neutralizing action,
  • while aluminum hydroxide and calcium carbonate have the longest.
  • 组合铝镁抗酸性具有中间持续时间。

Pancreatitis is inflammation of an organ in the abdomen called the pancreas.See Answer

What are the side effects of antacids?

  • 抗酸剂可能导致剂量依赖rebound血管酸盐和乳碱syndrome
  • 含有氢氧化铝的抗酸性可能会导致constipation,铝合金,骨癌那and次磷血症
  • 含有镁的抗酸性有一个泻药effect that may causediarrhea,和患者renfailure they may cause increased magnesium levels in the blood, because of the reduced ability of the kidneys to eliminate magnesium from the body in the尿


What are the warnings and precautions for antacids?

  • Antacids (for example, calcium carbonate) when consumed in high doses and for long periods of time may cause acid rebound. Acid rebound is acondition其中胃在后面产生更多的酸consumption食物和饮料。幸运的是,酸反弹的影响不是临床上重要的。
  • High-dose calcium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate when taken together can cause a condition called milk-alkali syndrome. Its symptoms includeheadache,恶心,烦躁和弱点,hypercalcemia(高血钙水平),肾脏功能减少。
  • Extensive use of aluminum-containing antacids may cause hypophosphatemia (low phosphate levels in the blood), which in severe cases could lead tomuscleweakness,厌食症那and osteomalacia (softening of the bones due to defectivebone矿化)。
  • 含有氢氧化铝的抗酸盐应小心用于最近遭受大量上胃肠道出血的患者。
  • 对于血压等条件的患者,chronicheart失败,肾功能衰竭和钠或钠的人- 行贿饮食,付出很重要attentionto the sodium level in sodium-based antacid preparations such as sodium bicarbonate
  • 不应向六岁以下的儿童提供抗酸。


  • 替代品(液体)
  • 氢氧化铝
  • 氢氧化铝凝胶(悬浮液)
  • Aluminum-magnesium hydroxide sulfate (Magaldrate的)
  • Amphojel (tablets)
  • Calcium acetatePhosLo平板电脑)
  • 碳酸钙
  • Citra pH (solution)
  • Concentrated Aluminum Hydroxide Gel (suspension)
  • Concentrated Aluminum Hydroxide Gel (liquid)
  • Concentrated Phillips'Milk of Magnesia(液体)
  • Dialume(胶囊)
  • Dulcolax(液体)
  • Isopan(液体)
  • Mag-Ox 400 (tablets)
  • 氢氧化镁
  • Magnesium Oxide
  • Magnesium Oxide (tablets)
  • Magaldrate (liquid)
  • Maox 420(平板电脑)
  • Milk ofMagnesia(液体)
  • Phillips' Chewable (tablets, chewable)
  • Uro-Mag (capsules)
  • riopan(暂停)
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • 柠檬酸钠


  • Alka-Seltzer泡腾片,
  • Alamat悬浮液,
  • Bromo Seltzer Effervescent Granules
  • Gaviscon额外的强度抗酸,
  • Gaviscon Liquid,
  • Gas-X与Maalox额外强度平板电脑,
  • Maalox Regular Strength Liquid,
  • Mylanta.Antacid Gelcaps,
  • rolaids平板电脑,和
  • 股份号额外强度平板电脑等
Reviewed by:
Tova Alladice,M.D.

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